The March 2016 meeting will be Thursday March 17th at the Elks, 1900 (7:00 PM). If you have anything to bring up let us know ahead of time, so things move faster. Click here for more information about the meeting location.
Guest speaker!
John Cyprian will be speaking about veteran opportunities in Butler County
Poppy Drive
This will be your first chance to sign up for the May Poppy Drive. Do it now avoid the April rush!
Senior Expo
The Senior Expo is April 15. We need all the help we can get (including color guard)
VFW Dinner
There we be a free dinner at the Mars VFW Post on April 16th.
District Meeting
The district meeting is on March 20th All are invited. The state Commander will be there and would love to see all of you! Note that it will be a day-long meeting in Rochester. However, you do get breakfast, lunch, dinner, and refreshments.
Hugh G. MacPherson