The September meeting will be Thursday September 19th at the Elks , 7:30 PM. If you have anything to bring up let us know ahead of time, that will let things move faster. Click here for more information about the meeting location.
Meeting Information
- The District 25 Commander will be at this meeting for a post inspection.
- The Senior Vice commander and Junior Vice commander must be present. Please contact Commander MacPherson if you cannot attend.
Upcoming Events
- The ELKS will have their Disabled Vets Luncheon on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013. They have asked for a head count; contact Commander MacPherson if you plan to attend.
- District 25 meeting is on Sunday the September 22nd at 2 PM at Mars, PA. Contact Commander MacPherson if you plan to attend.
- We still need Color Guard members for September, 26th. Please sign up during our September meeting.
Hugh MacPherson
VFW Post 879