The May 2013 VFW Post 879 meeting will be on 16 May at 7:30 PM At the Elks Lower level. Click here for more information about the meeting location.
Memorial Day
- Our annual Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at North Boundary Park on 26 May. The Practice will be 24 May. Phil will go over everything at the meeting If you are going to be part of this please be at the meeting.
- Placing American flags on graves at Pine Wood is set for 22 May. As of yet the flags have not come in. We will have more info on this at the meeting.
Senior Expo
- The 2013 Senior Expo will be held at the Cranberry TWP Municipal Building is 30 May 9am to 12pm. As it stands now we will be sharing a table with the VA More info at meeting .
Poppy Drive
- I would like to thank all that were out the for the first weekend. But we were under manned we were down to 1 person at each door. Those who have not signed up, come on, if you hold office, you should be out.
- We will take any amount time that way we can give a member who is putting in 6 or 8 hours out there a break. Currently, only 10 Members have signed up and we need help for this upcoming weekend, 11 and 12 May.
- Remember that if the Poppy Drive dos not bring in enough then we start cutting back on what we give out starting with scholarships and any, or all requests for help, to do anything we need the poppy drive.
Hugh G. MacPherson